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Kimberly Klacik Wins Republican Nomination for MD-7

Kimberly Klacik, the conservative commentator, nonprofit founder, and Baltimore County Republican Central committee member, won the Republican nomination for Maryland’s 7th Congressional district special primary on Tuesday.

She will be running against former District 7 representative and president of the NAACP Kweisi Mfume in the general election. He left congress to lead the civil rights organization and was succeeded by the late Elijah Cummings, who passed away last October in the middle of his term. 24 democrats and 8 republicans ran for their party's nominations.

A republican has never held the Baltimore seat, but Klacik is confident. She has been actively campaigning in the streets for months gaining lots of traction. The Fox News pundit is accredited with directing President Donald Trump's attention to the district with her journalism. Videos show Klacik interviewing residents of District 7 who were tired of living in filth. Baltimore, aka "Charm City" is notoriously unsanitary and has a significant trash-dumping problem.

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